
what i do
I specialize in documenting art projects that intersect new media, artistic research, and academic inquiry. My innovative approach reimagines traditional documentation by exploring experimental formats to capture and represent creative processes.
Je me spécialise dans la documentation de projets artistiques qui croisent les nouveaux médias, la recherche artistique et la recherche académique. Mon approche innovante réinvente la documentation traditionnelle en explorant des formats expérimentaux pour capturer et représenter les processus créatifs."
ce que je fais

At CRUDA, we are not spectators; we are witnesses.
We step into the messy, raw, vulnerable IN BETWEEN, where the artwork is unmade and remade. This is where creation happens: in the rupture, the crash, the death of one idea to make room for another.
We hold space for the RUPTURES—those fleeting moments of doubt, frustration, and brilliance that transform chaos into form.
We document what others might overlook: the error, the tension, the constraint that shapes the work and, in turn, the artist.
We listen.
We observe.
We hold space.
At CRUDA, we are collaborators in the creative process. We accompany the artist—not to ask, search, or define, but to create a safe space where the unpredictable can unfold.
We embrace the lightness of play and the weight of frustration. We give time for ideas to emerge and for constraints to spark innovation.
We explores the delicate dance of letting go, of surrendering expectations, of allowing what needs to die to make room for what’s coming alive.
This is CRUDA:
Where the raw, unfiltered creative process is not only documented but also celebrated. Where the story isn’t in the outcome but in the moments that lead there.

: Un Mandat pour l'Entre-deux
Chez CRUDA, je ne suis pas spectatrice, je suis témoin.
Je m'aventure dans l'ENTRE-DEUX brut, vulnérable, où l’artiste se déconstruit pour se reconstruire. C’est là que la création prend forme—pas dans le dernier coup de pinceau ni dans la révélation de l’œuvre, mais dans la rupture, l’effondrement, la mort d’une idée pour en laisser émerger une autre.
Je tiens l'espace pour les RUPTURES—ces instants fugaces de doute, de frustration et de génie qui transforment le chaos en forme.
Je documente ce que d’autres pourraient négliger : l’erreur, la tension, la contrainte qui façonnent l’œuvre et, en retour, l’artiste.
Je tiens l’espace.
, y revenir, et honorer sa profondeur.
Chez CRUDA, je suis une collaboratrice dans le processus créatif. Je accompagne l’artiste—non pour interroger, chercher ou définir, mais pour créer un espace sûr où l’imprévisible peut se déployer.
J’embrasse la légèreté du jeu et le poids de la frustration. Je donne du temps pour que les idées émergent et que les contraintes deviennent des moteurs d’innovation. J’explore la danse délicate de l’abandon, du lâcher-prise des attentes, de permettre à ce qui doit mourir de faire place à ce qui prend vie.
C’est ça, CRUDA :
Là où le processus créatif brut et sans filtre n’est pas seulement documenté, mais aussi célébré. Là où l’histoire ne réside pas dans le résultat, mais dans les moments qui y mènent.
recent and ongoing projects
AP&A Documentary
In 2024, I immersed myself in the creative universe of AP&A, a universe shaped by Andrea Peña and her extraordinary team. They welcomed me into their world, allowing me to explore their artistic process—an intricate, deeply human journey where vulnerability meets rigor and artistic collaboration. From March to December, I observed bodies moving with a language that defied words, confronting the familiar and stepping boldly into the unknown. Through my lens, I documented moments where movement unraveled profound questions about what it means to exist together as humans and in constant negotiation with ourselves and others.
the creative process
This journey took me to artistic residencies, rehearsals charged with physical exhaustion and personal challenges, and behind-the-scenes moments that felt like family vacations. The works Bogotá, Replica, and Uaque served as my compass throughout this journey. In particular, Uaque—a collaboration with Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra under the direction of Alexander Shelley, featuring the breathtaking visuals of Edward Burtynsky—became the pinnacle of this exploration. I accompanied the artists during the week leading up to their world premiere in Ottawa, a time when creation and uncertainty danced hand in hand.
Following the artist
Documentary filmed during Mónica Rikić's residency at the Technology, Art, and Games (TAG) research center, as part of Hexagram’s collaboration with the European Media Art Platform (EMAP) international residency program.
This video is part of the documentation of the artistic research process of the project Somoure by Mónica Rikić in collaboration with the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial IRI - CSIC-UPC and co-commissioned by HacTe with the support of (IRI) - CSIC-UPC, and the S+T+ARTS programme of the European Union.
Direction, Text and Research: Mónica Rikić
Art Direction and Video Conceptualization: Agustina Isidori
Original Music: Rodolfo Venegas